Maximize Your Coworking Space's Profitability, Monetize Screens and Optimize Communication with FRAMEN DOOH

There are countless reasons to choose DOOH for an advertising strategy, and one prime location to target potential clients is within coworking spaces. In coworking spaces, effective communication is essential for capturing attention, engaging your audience, and sharing crucial information throughout the building. This is where FRAMEN, a leader in programmatic DOOH, steps in, offering innovative Digital Out of Home (DOOH) solutions tailored specifically for digital advertising in coworking spaces.

Precisely Connect with the FRAMEN Screen Manager

The FRAMEN Screen Manager allows coworking spaces to deliver relevant and targeted content on their screens, strategically located in areas such as common rooms, lounges, and meeting zones. By harnessing the precision of digital advertising, advertisers and owners can reach their audience at the right time and place, thus optimizing the effectiveness of their communication.

Capture Attention at the Right Moment in Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are dynamic environments where members are constantly on the move. With FRAMEN screens, coworking spaces can captivate their audience's attention at the opportune moment by broadcasting relevant and engaging messages. Whether promoting internal events, sharing news, or highlighting special offers, the FRAMEN Screen Manager ensures that your message is conveyed powerfully.

Precisely Target Your Audience

Each coworking space has a unique audience with specific needs and interests. With FRAMEN in place, space owners can precisely target their audience by tailoring the content to their members. Whether catering to freelancers, entrepreneurs, or growing businesses, FRAMEN screens provide a personalized and effective communication platform.

Effortlessly Manage Campaigns with FRAMEN Ads Manager

The FRAMEN Ads Manager allows advertisers to manage their advertising campaigns intuitively and effectively. Using this tool, advertisers can book, launch, and manage their campaigns in just a few clicks, all while tracking real-time performance. This integration between the FRAMEN Screen Manager and the FRAMEN Ads Manager enables coworking spaces to offer advertising space to local and national advertisers, thereby increasing their revenue streams.

Monetize Your Screens with FRAMEN

By monetizing the screens in their coworking space, businesses can diversify their revenue streams while enhancing the member experience. By offering advertising space to advertisers, coworking spaces can reach a broader audience and attract new local businesses. This approach strengthens strategic partnerships and creates growth opportunities for the coworking space.

FRAMEN is the ideal partner for coworking spaces seeking innovative and effective communication solutions. With our screens present in various environments such as hotels, petrol stations, gyms, supermarkets, and of course coworking spaces, we can offer optimal visibility for your brand. Discover today how FRAMEN can transform your screens into powerful communication and monetization tools.