What is digital signage and why should you consider it?

May 15, 2024
, written by
Carrie Slayton
Digital signage, also known as dynamic digital display, is increasingly visible in our everyday surroundings. But what exactly does this entail, and why is it gaining traction over traditional advertising methods?
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Digital signage, also known as dynamic digital display, is increasingly visible in our everyday surroundings. But what exactly does this entail, and why is it gaining traction over traditional advertising methods?

What is digital signage?

Digital signage, or DOOH (Digital Out-Of-Home), involves delivering advertising content through digital screens placed in public spaces like shopping centers, transit stations, busy streets, and even semi-public areas such as gyms, supermarkets, gas stations, coworking spaces, and hotels. Unlike traditional paper posters, digital signs offer numerous advantages in terms of impact, flexibility, and customization.

Why should you use dynamic digital display?

There are several reasons to use digital signage such as DOOH – from an enhanced impact on potential customers to simplified content management, using digital signage is a strategic way to boost your brand visibility and create an impactful, lasting message that people will remember. 

  • Enhanced impact: Digital screens effortlessly capture the attention of passersby, making them ideal for engaging potential customers in dynamic ways. With their vibrant colors, sharp images, and captivating motion, digital displays stand out in busy environments, drawing eyes and encouraging interaction. Unlike static posters or billboards, digital screens have the ability to display animated and interactive content that instantly grabs attention and leaves a lasting impression on viewers. This heightened level of engagement translates to increased brand awareness, message retention, and ultimately, higher conversion rates.
  • Creativity unleashed: Digital display panels offer endless possibilities for content creation, empowering advertisers to unleash their creativity and craft memorable advertising campaigns. From eye-catching visuals and dynamic animations to interactive elements and immersive experiences, digital signage allows brands to captivate audiences in ways that traditional advertising mediums cannot match. Whether it's showcasing product features, telling compelling stories, or inviting audience participation, the flexibility of digital displays opens up new avenues for creative expression and brand storytelling.
  • Real-time adaptability: One of the key advantages of digital signage is its ability to adapt content in real-time based on various factors such as location, weather conditions, or time of day. With digital signage software, advertisers have the flexibility to schedule content changes, update promotions, or deliver targeted messages on the fly, ensuring that their advertising remains relevant and timely. For example, a retail store can promote seasonal offers or flash sales based on current weather conditions, while a restaurant can adjust menu displays based on the time of day or customer demographics. This agility allows advertisers to maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns and deliver personalized experiences that resonate with their audience.
  • Superior visual quality: High-definition screens used in digital signage deliver crisp, clear, and visually stunning images that command attention and enhance the overall viewing experience. Whether indoors or outdoors, digital displays offer vibrant colors, sharp contrast, and exceptional clarity, ensuring that content is displayed in the best possible light. This superior visual quality not only grabs the attention of passersby but also elevates the perceived value of the advertised products or services. With high-definition screens, advertisers can showcase their brand in the best possible light and leave a lasting impression on viewers.
  • Environmental responsibility: In addition to their effectiveness as advertising tools, digital signage also offers environmental benefits by reducing the need for printed materials. By eliminating the use of paper posters, billboards, and other traditional signage, digital displays help minimize waste, conserve natural resources, and reduce carbon emissions associated with printing and transportation. Furthermore, digital signage allows advertisers to update content digitally, reducing the need for frequent reprinting and disposal of outdated materials. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the growing demand for eco-friendly advertising solutions and positions digital signage as a responsible choice for brands looking to minimize their environmental footprint.
  • Simplified management: Digital signage software solutions streamline the process of creating, scheduling, and distributing content, making it easy for advertisers to manage their campaigns with minimal effort. With user-friendly interfaces and intuitive controls, advertisers can quickly design eye-catching visuals, upload multimedia content, and schedule playback across multiple screens with just a few clicks. This simplified management process eliminates the need for complex technical skills or extensive training, allowing advertisers to focus on creating compelling content and maximizing the impact of their campaigns. Additionally, digital signage software offers robust analytics and reporting features, enabling advertisers to track performance metrics, measure ROI, and optimize their campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Digital signage represents a significant evolution in outdoor advertising, offering distinct advantages in impact, flexibility, and sustainability. Whether you're looking to promote your brand, reach your audience, or enhance the customer experience, digital signage provides a modern and effective solution to achieve your communication goals.

FRAMEN offers comprehensive solutions for advertisers and venue owners seeking effective digital advertising. Our Ads Manager simplifies campaign management, allowing advertisers to reserve, launch, and manage campaigns in minutes while monitoring real-time performance. The FRAMEN Screen Manager empowers venue owners to manage and display content while generating passive income through advertising revenue. Contact us today to discover how FRAMEN can transform your screens into powerful communication and monetization tools.